At VBS, Faith kids set an ambitious goal to raise money for Jumonville Camp and to collect donations for Second Harvest’s Community Fridge. During Camp Firelight Vacation Bible School, children discussed how they can lead the way in sharing God’s love with others. As they brainstormed ideas about how to make a difference in their homes, neighborhoods and beyond they created a construction paper campfire to illustrate how their actions could brighten the spaces around them. Can you join with us in sharing with our neighbors? Bring a non-perishable donation for the Community Fridge at Second Harvest or make a monetary donation for Jumonville Camp. The Community Fridge distributes food, cleaning products, and personal hygiene items. If you or your loved ones would appreciate having an item in your pantry, it would make a great donation for the Community Fridge.

Donations can be dropped off in the entryway at Faith UMC or give online at and note “VBS Offering”.

We will celebrate the VBS Mission Offering together on August 18th.

Camp and Lightning bug logo for Camp Firelight VBS on a blue sky background.  Clip art images of a campfire and evergreen tree silhouettes.  Text describing the VBS Mission Offering being collected.