News & Events
Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Service
7 PM at Faith UMC
Christmas Eve worship will feature music by the choir and bell choir, candle-lighting and a prayground for young worshippers.
Lessons & Carols with Fellowship Meal
Sunday 12/8
10 AM Worship Service at Faith followed by fellowship meal
Special service featuring music with the choir and newly formed bell choir
12 PM Worship Service at Roots of Faith with lunch around the table
Advent Study
Worship and the Word Bible Study will meet on Zoom Sunday 12/1, Wednesdays 12/4, 12/11 and 12/18 to discuss God Broke Through at Christmas by United Methodist Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett. The study looks at four aspects of life transformed by Jesus: silence, nights of the soul, seemingly impossible situations, and chaos.
God Broke Through at Christmas is sure to be a blessing to you during this season of preparation and expectation of God breaking through at Christmas. Contact Pastor Angelique for the Zoom link.
Women of Faith Brunch
Saturday, November 30th 10:00 am - 12:00 pmRoots of Faith 800 Main St. Sharpsburg Celebrating Life, Celebrating One Another, and Celebrating our love for God! Invite a friend to join you as you enjoy fellowship with God's gracious women. Contact Pastor Angelique at...
Family Christmas Party
Friday, December 6 from 6:30-8:00pm Join us for our annual Family Christmas Party for friends of Fox Hill Preschool, Faith UMC, and Roots of Faith. All ages are welcome. We'll celebrate with crafts, games, snacks, a special child-friendly service project and a visit...
Hanging of the Greens
Saturday November 23 - Tree Time - Contact the Faith office for times. Teens and adults are invited to help assemble the large Christmas trees. If you like lifting heavy things or climbing ladders, come join in the fun! Sunday November 24 - After 10 AM WorshipAll ages...
Chili Tailgate Fundraiser Lunch this Sunday
Sunday 11/17 after 10 AM worship Freewill donation Vine of Faith youth group is hosting a fundraiser tailgate lunch featuring chili and all the fixins. Sport your favorite team's gear (football or otherwise). PLUS bring your best dip for the dip cook-off. What dip and...
Roots of Faith’s 10th Birthday Bash
Friday November 1st 6-9 PMat Roots of Faith and throughout Sharpsburg as a part of Sharpsburg's November First Friday
Interfaith Study
All are welcome to two special sessions of the Worship & the Word Bible Study this fall as we gather for an Interfaith Study Wednesdays, October 30 & November 13th at Roots of Faith from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Please read Psalm 23 & Psalm 121 in preparation....
Roots of Faith Announces First Executive Director
Kathleen Stanley has been named the first Executive Director of Roots of Faith! Kathleen brings a wealth of experience, as well as deep, established relationships to her new role. Knowing the community will benefit from her leadership, Faith UMC's Leadership Board is...
Celebrating 30 Years in Faith: Growing Together
October Worship Series Make plans to join us every Sunday in October for our message series, considering how we grow in worship, service, generosity, and community. On October 20th, we'll celebrate the 30th anniversary of the revitalization and renaming of Faith UMC...
World Communion Sunday
Sunday October 6Worship Services 10 AM & 12 PM A special worship service as we celebrate communion alongside Christians around the world and begin a worship series celebrating 30 Years in Faith. United Methodists collect a special offering is on World Communion...
Bell Choir Forming
Informational Meeting Sunday October 611 AM Kids, teens, and adults of all ages are invited to make music together in a new intergenerational handbell choir. Handbell choir is a low time commitment, with a big opportunity to connect with Faith folks of all ages while...
Worship & the Word Bible Study
Fall Session InformationWednesdays Starting September 18at Roots of Faith6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Lyndall Huggler will facilitate the study on the Matthew: The Gospel of Promised Blessings. You can pick up a copy of the book in the Narthex at FUMC & in the Gallery at...
Women of Faith Brunch
Saturday, October 12th 10:00 am - 12:00 pmRoots of Faith 800 Main St. Sharpsburg Celebrating Life, Celebrating One Another, and Celebrating our love for God! Invite a friend to join you as you enjoy fellowship with God's gracious women. Contact Pastor Angelique at...
Faith UMC
261 W Chapel Ridge Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15238