Super Game Day

Super Game Day

11:00 AM Sunday February 9th

Everyone is invited to stay after worship for super game day. There will be games for all ages! Look for more physically active games in the Fellowship Hall and table-top games in the narthex. Stay for one game or numerous.

Interfaith Study

Interfaith Study

Wednesday, 1/29 from 6:00-7:30pm
At Roots of Faith

Join us for another installment of our interfaith Bible Study facilitated by Rev. Angelique Edmonds, Rev. Scott Hill and Rabbi Yaier Lehrer. Come for learning, fellowship and building community.

Lessons & Carols with Fellowship Meal

Lessons & Carols with Fellowship Meal

Sunday 12/8
10 AM Worship Service at Faith followed by fellowship meal
Special service featuring music with the choir and newly formed bell choir

12 PM Worship Service at Roots of Faith with lunch around the table

Advent Study

Advent Study

Worship and the Word Bible Study will meet on Zoom Sunday 12/1, Wednesdays 12/4, 12/11 and 12/18 to discuss God Broke Through at Christmas by United Methodist Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett. The study looks at four aspects of life transformed by Jesus: silence, nights of the soul, seemingly impossible situations, and chaos.

God Broke Through at Christmas is sure to be a blessing to you during this season of preparation and expectation of God breaking through at Christmas.  Contact Pastor Angelique for the Zoom link.