Interfaith Study

Interfaith Study

Wednesday, 1/29 from 6:00-7:30pm
At Roots of Faith

Join us for another installment of our interfaith Bible Study facilitated by Rev. Angelique Edmonds, Rev. Scott Hill and Rabbi Yaier Lehrer. Come for learning, fellowship and building community.

Advent Study

Advent Study

Worship and the Word Bible Study will meet on Zoom Sunday 12/1, Wednesdays 12/4, 12/11 and 12/18 to discuss God Broke Through at Christmas by United Methodist Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett. The study looks at four aspects of life transformed by Jesus: silence, nights of the soul, seemingly impossible situations, and chaos.

God Broke Through at Christmas is sure to be a blessing to you during this season of preparation and expectation of God breaking through at Christmas.  Contact Pastor Angelique for the Zoom link.

Women of Faith Brunch

Women of Faith Brunch

Saturday, November 30th 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Roots of Faith 800 Main St. Sharpsburg

Celebrating Life, Celebrating One Another, and Celebrating our love for God! Invite a friend to join you as you enjoy fellowship with God’s gracious women. Contact Pastor Angelique at

Interfaith Study

Interfaith Study

All are welcome to two special sessions of the Worship & the Word Bible Study this fall as we gather for an Interfaith Study Wednesdays, October 30 & November 13th at Roots of Faith from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. Please read Psalm 23 & Psalm 121 in preparation.

Rev. Scott Hill, Aspinwall Presbyterian Church
Rabbi Yier Lehrer, Adat Shalom Synagogue
Rev. Angelique Edmonds, Faith United Methodist Church

For more information, contact Pastor Angelique at

Roots of Faith Announces First Executive Director

Roots of Faith Announces First Executive Director

Kathleen Stanley has been named the first Executive Director of Roots of Faith! Kathleen brings a wealth of experience, as well as deep, established relationships to her new role. Knowing the community will benefit from her leadership, Faith UMC’s Leadership Board is thrilled to celebrate this milestone and Kathleen’s work among us. Please join us in congratulating her!

Roots of Faith began ten years ago as a ministry of Faith UMC. Through a process of discernment and prayer, and lots of hard work by our staff and volunteers, Roots of Faith is now on track to become its own non-profit corporation within the next few months. As we continue to move through that transition, Faith UMC remains committed to participating alongside Roots of Faith in the life-giving ministry happening. We also look forward to this new day and the blossoming of a dream. God is good!